Monday, January 14, 2019
Review: Sourdough

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was primed for this book by having just started my own sourdough culture and making sourdough english muffins with it. I was browsing the fiction section of the online library looking for a Kindle book. Sure, a novel about sourdough. Hopefully it wouldn't be like those cheesy romance mysteries about brownies or picnics, full of sweaty sex and recipes. There is some type of romance here but nothing of sex. Some about the excitement and overwork of the tech industry and much about the joy of baking and the dangers of ambition. There is mystery, magic, and the awesome grandeur of biology. The emotional and mental engagement are similar to what I get when I read Cory Doctorow. Finished, I am satisfied and rise to stir more flour and water into my culture.
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