Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Dime Store Magic by Kelley Armstrong

I'm not sure if I should have read the two previous books in the Women of the Otherworld series that came before Dime Store Magic. It might have helped me to understand the dynamics that the author uses but on the other hand Kelley ARmstrong spells out the history behind the story in great, slow, detail throughout the first hald of the book. I don't generally read a lot of vampire/witch/werewolf literature; Anne Rice bores me to sleep but I really enjoyed Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Series. Maybe I was looking for what wasn't promised. I was expecting more action and less history. I felt that things didn't really get started until over halfway through Dime Store Magic. In the first half interesting things happen and interesting characters are introduced but in such an overly explained way that I put the book down frequently and for long periods of time. I read the last half of the book in one fell swoop.

The world of strong cabals and witches who are so scared that they shackle themselves with rules and deny their young full power was very interesting.

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