Sunday, March 20, 2005


Facing the Lion: Growing Up Maasai on the African Savanna by Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton

Facing The Lion is a slim volume of 123 pages and is easily read in an evening. Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton grew up in a Maasai tribe in northern Kenya. He was chosen as his family's token child to attend school. His tenacity, intelligence, and spirit brought him contact with Daniel Arap Moi and opportunities for further education. In Facing the Lion, he tells some wonderful stories of his childhood and time as a student in America which give us a glimpse of how life in a Maasai nomadic group works and what is both difficult and wonderful about that life.

This would be an excellent addition to any elementary or middle school library.

Excellent book. One of the best reads!
Excellent book. One of the best reads!
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