Friday, April 15, 2005


East by Edith Pattou

East by Edith Pattou incorporates parts of several familiar folk and fairy tales sparked by innovative new details and threads.

Ebba Rose, known as Rose, is the youngest child in her family. Her superstitious mother has named all the children for the direction they were facing at birth. Rose was born to take the place of an older East-born daughter who had died but there is a small problem...Rose was actually born facing North. The North-born wandering ways are a part of her early life and her mother fights against them in a vain attempt to protect her child. The family's luck is failing when a white bear shows up and offers a change in fortunes if Rose will come away with him. Rose finds that her longing to explore and wander links well with the responsibility of making a positive choice for her family. Rose's mother keeps trying to protect Rose and in doing so leads Rose ionto a terrible situation.

I saw bits and pieces of The Snow Queen, Beauty and the Beast, and Snow White and Rose Red in this book. I really liked the inclusion of Nordic gods and folklore.

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