Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Nightmare Hall: Guilty by Diane Hoh

Nightmare Hall: Guilty is dross. It is both lightweight and emotionally manipulative. Despite the reviews at Amazon the plot was unbelievable and the mystery was not hard to decipher.

Shy straight-laced Katie comes to college, meets an outgoing cute boy, and becomes a fun loving whispy headed girlfriend. She ignores her best male friend from high school and loves being part of a close group of her boyfriend, his sister, her friend from high school, and a few other cool kids. Her boyfriend takes a risk that almost kills Katies and he ends up dead. Katie changes her name and acts out in risky ways.

Note: unbelievable that her parents are almost non-existant in the story, they let her return to college and the college does not insist on post trauma counselling nor do they take her bizarre behaviour into account though her friends are worried and say so repeatedly. Katie also skips class and fails her work but her professors do not take the problem to her advisor or her parents.

Someone starts stalking Katie. Oooh, scary. Who could it be? Is she going crazy? It couldn't be her supportive friend from high school, he adores her. It couldn't be her boyfriend's sister because she has forgiven Katie.

People are crazy. Murder is attempted. Sheesh!

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