Sunday, June 04, 2006
Vows: The Story of a Priest, a Nun, and Their Son
Vows: The Story of a Priest, a Nun, and Their Son by Peter Manseau was very interesting. I know people who grew up in the Roman Catholic Church following Vatican II and I've heard their stories of the shock and delight of guitar masses, priests and nuns who seemed human and caring about real life, and priests and nuns who thought they would soon marry. Peter Manseau's parents were right in the middle of this time living as people whyo had dedicated their lives to the church. They re-evaluated the meaning of their vows in light of the new ways of studying the Bible and theology and were married. We now know that at the same time the Roman Catholic church in the Us was also hiding sexual abuse by priests and shaming their victims into silence. From the present Peter Manseau re-evaluates how both the sexual abuse scandal and Vatican II affted his parents and made his life possible and complicated.
Very interesting!
Very interesting!