Monday, April 30, 2007


Flight - Volumes 1 and 3 edited by Kazu Kibuishi

I've been reading more and more graphic novels. I admit that I sometimes choose randomly based on the cover and a quick flip through the book while I crouch by the low graphic novel shelves at the library. I borrowed Flight 3from the library and bought Flight 1. Flight 3 was my favorite and I would like to own it. The short stories are intriguing and beautiful and none was too scary or gory. One of my favorites was the Coffee Critic which had a lovely Ali Baba detail that made us all laugh.I don't know how based in reality this feeling is but the stories in Volume 1 seemed longer and more developed while the stories in Volume 3 seemed shorter and sometimes like scenes from longer pieces. In Volume 1 I enjoyed many of the stories but especially remember Paper & String and Outside my Window.

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