Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Wizard Heir, Dragon Heir, Warrior Heir, and Demon King

The Warrior Heir, The Wizard Heir and The Dragon Heir are part of the Heir series by Cinda William Chima. We are introduced to a world where unbeknown to regular mortals a cabal of wizards fight for power. Specially talented people, including wizards, are born with jewels of power in them which tell which if powers they will develop and determine the strength of the talent. Wizards seek out and kill or kidnap these people in order to manipulate the balance of power. The three boys who are stars of each book (Dragon Heir does feature a young woman as well) struggle to understand the wars, control their own powers, and stand for what they feel is right. In the battles, the thrid way is used to good advantage. The Demon King is the beginning of a different series. The plot of this book revolves around a well known fol tale and the history that inspired it. There are princesses in disguise, powerful wizards, civil wars, and laws circumvented. It was a little too romance for me but I hope to find out more about the tribes in the other books of the series.

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